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particular program CPA Particular Program of Action

International solidarity

• Establishing and strengthening of solidarity relations with indigenous peoples’ organizations and advocate groups at the national and international levels.
• Establishing  linkages and partnerships with progressive organizations and institutions based on common interests, concerns, principles and visions.
• Participation to  international meetings of the United Nations on indigenous peoples.
• Participation to  important international conference and gatherings such as anti-globalization activities, and other events relevant to indigenous peoples.
• Hosting of international meetings and activities relevant to the struggles and issues of cordillera peoples.
• Development of exposure and community integration program for overseas partners, solidarity groups and others for the strengthening of solidarity relations and cooperation.
• Development of an internship program based on our capacity to absorb foreign volunteers for mutually enriching collaboration and support to the activities and program of CPA.
• Sustaining international networking to generate political, material and financial  support for the CPA and for the Cordillera peoples’ struggles.

Published with financial contribution from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Copyright © 2004 website content by Cordillera Peoples Alliance,
Copyright © 2004 website design by Borky Perida